Algeria Reliance On Agritech, Digital, Mechanized

Algeria Reliance On Agritech, Digital, Mechanized

Agric X Tech

Humans do not experience challenges in sectors that are not important to them. If a man is not in for the win, he is not bothered. It is with this same energy agriculture is approached. The importance of food cannot be overemphasized or overrated; it is the source of energy and resources. So when agriculture is challenged one could quickly initiate panic mode.

Times have changed and with them have come solutions to various challenges in different sectors, including agriculture. Before digital technology, mechanized technology also impacted the agricultural sector significantly.

To reduce the stress and the cost that comes with man labour, machines such as mowers, cultivators, tractors, combine harvesters and many more were invented to ease human challenges on the farm.

Yet there are other challenges that even mechanized technology has not been able to provide solutions to. Challenges such as land degradation,  farm management, sales of farm produce,  water scarcity, and livestock depletion are out of the hands of mechanized technology, while it is the reality in Nothern African countries.

With the evolution of technology, a few digital technologies have been invented to provide solutions to challenges that have seemed too hard to conquer in agriculture.

Algeria’s Agriculture

Located in the Northern part of Africa, Algeria’s land is almost a desert. With a component of 90-95% of sandy soil and the region experiencing low rain activity, agriculture is a difficult venture in Algeria.

According to the latest report, agriculture contributes about 12.3% to the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) this could easily mean that regardless of the challenges encountered in the activities of the sector, agriculture still contributes a significant amount to the nation’s development.

To achieve such a GDP impact, Algeria has significantly included technology (mechanized and digital) in its agricultural activities. “Almost all the farms here are connected to electricity. They use modern technologies that save water to preserve the water table. Very few pesticides are used. And I insist on this phrase: it is sustainable agriculture,” said one of Algeria’s directors of agricultural services, Adlene Mathallah, while addressing Euro news recently.

Agritech Startups in Algeria.

The Algerian government is not the only entity providing agricultural solutions, the citizens are also making efforts to assist the sector.

Whether to assist direct growth, farm management, or provide sales platforms for farm produce, Algerians are engaging in agritech, the use of technology to boost their agricultural activities.


This is one of the trending agritech startups in Algeria The startup provides a smart frame management platform. With the use of technology, Aitech has created an easy-to-use application that guides farmers on farm management, using optimum agricultural practices. Through the startup’s mobile application farmers receive management notifications both in practice and business. Aitech also offers irrigation system installation, weather forecasts, watering control via the app and many more.

The startup was founded by Mabrouk Aib with the intention to help individuals develop their farms the proper way, which should result in more harvest and revenue. if this is a general experience across all Algeria farms, this is the possibility of a higher GDP result.


As a nation known to produce more vegetables and peanuts, planting and harvesting is not the only phase where the challenge is faced in agriculture. The sales of farm produce is also quite important,  especially to avoid perishing. Understanding the difficulty in this phase (sales) Hnakoum launched.

Founded by Mohamed Amir, Hnakoum is a digital platform that provided users with the ability to purchase farm fresh vegetables. via this e-commerce platform, farmers are given the ability to showcase their products and eventually sell them off, this is a sustainable process of a business transaction as both buyers and sellers can continue to maximize the platform.

Aerosud Farm

This startup is making effort to impact agriculture in Algeria. Aerosud is an agritech startup that provides farmers with Virical and  Aeroponic growing systems. This system provides plants with soil or sun that can hasten harvest cycles. It also provides predictable results, optimum food safety and reduced environmental impact. Its features allow users to plant without the need for sun or soil, purposefully for indoor planting.

Aerosud was founded in 2020 by Mohamed Boudjouadi and it had since encouraged micro and macro farming with its special feature.

Although there are agritech startups available in Algeria, these are the big players in the sector. To keep the growth in agriculture, which will eradicate hunger and poverty on the long run, Algeria  can not afford to disregard technology. They have come this far with it, the best is to continue with it.