Facebook's "Google Photos Transfer tool" Now available To Users Worldwide.

Facebook's "Google Photos Transfer tool" Now available To Users Worldwide.

Facebook has announced its Google photos transfer tool now officially available globally after its first release in April.

Under their “Driving Innovation in Data Portability With a New Photo Transfer Tool,” it was first released on April 30 but was available to users in the United States and Canada only.

In their blog post on their official blog, the company announced; “Today, we’re releasing a tool that will enable Facebook users to transfer their Facebook photos and videos directly to other services, starting with Google Photos.”

The tool can be accessed Using 5 basic steps;

First, the user must click on  “Your Facebook information” in Facebook settings

The second step is to select “Transfer a copy of your photos or Videos then click view to start the transfer.

Now the user must enter ” Facebook Password” and the next step select or choose a destination that is “google photos” from the drop-down menu.

The last of all is to confirm the transfer and the tool has been used for its purpose.

According to Facebook, they believe if their users share data with one service, they should be able to move that data to another.

This tool does not just allow the transfer of photos and videos in five steps but also allows users to create copies of their photos and videos from their Facebook account and through that, their files can be transferred to their linked Google Photos account.

The company says that it believes if users share data with one service, they should also be able to move it to another.

Facebook is also looking forward to merging with other transfer partners in some years to come so that users that are not signed on to google photos can have wide available options to transfer files as well.