From Virtual Jobs to Virtual Lives. Emerging Techs Will Transform Living Patterns

From Virtual Jobs to Virtual Lives. Emerging Techs Will Transform Living Patterns

Workplace flexibility is trending more and more by the day. Organizations are adopting the work pattern to reduce cost or facilitate work flexibility for staff. Forbes predicted 2020 to be the year of the remote. However, the year ushered in a new pattern for carrying out tasks. The boundary of the global digitalization happening is further pushed with the disposition of emerging technologies, including NFT and Metaverse. Emerging techs will show the world that virtual jobs are not enough. Virtual reality can become an everyday reality.

Living from Home

2020 was the year of not dying from home. The home served as a safety point for everyone. But that wasn’t living; it was not dying. Social distancing has always been anti-social; people always want to relate.

Emerging techs

The Croods, 2013

Every time the year of the pandemic is considered, one may ignore what it took, considering how the world has benefitted. 2020 changed the lives of workers, businesses, and communities. But, more than that, the year made innovators consider ways to make living possible from anywhere. This innovation is where emerging technologies like NFT Metaverse come in. Metaverse will serve as a virtual world that reflects our everyday lives. Soon, MNCs and organizations will instead have their workspace in this virtual world.

In March this year, MTN Group became the first African telecommunication company to enter the Metaverse. In addition, Africarare and Mann Made Media are working on Ubuntuland, which will be available for public land sales later this year. Ubuntuland will include the finest of African art, fashion, entertainment, sport, technology, and innovation. These are just signs of things to come.

The relationship between NFT and Metaverse will become even stronger with the development of emerging techs. NFTs will serve as the digital representation of assets. These assets will come in handy for companies, organizations, and individuals in the Metaverse. So let’s put it this way, soon, people will instead buy virtual or digital lands, gadgets, home appliances, office equipment, et cetera. There might even be Metaverse marriages, and tokens will fund the planning of these marriages. Emerging techs will change the global outlook.

Economic Benefits of Emerging Techs

The geographical dispersion of workers will positively impact African communities. Job mobility will decentralize employment and business growth. The development will not just be concentrated on African urban areas. People may not have to relocate for jobs, as jobs will be relocated for their convenience.

Also, emerging techs will help create environmental sustainability. 3.2 metric tons of carbon emissions and 313 gallons of gasoline are saved per remote worker in a year. Mobilizing the workforce will solve water scarcity, food production crisis, and energy usage.

The benefits even extend into casual wardrobe choices. Emerging techs will make life better. They will bring about the needed decentralization required from the internet and help create trustless agreements.